The BetterBirth Study has shown change is possible in improving the quality of care during the moment of childbirth. But sustained transformation in the way women are cared for before, during and after birth will require an ambitious, dedicated, multifaceted effort.
Global strategies to end the preventable deaths of women & newborns in childbirth
This report synthesizes the learnings, findings, and insights from the Ariadne Labs BetterBirth Study, one of the world’s largest studies of maternal-newborn quality of care and mortality with 300,000 women and infants. In addition, the report captures learnings and insights from members of the World Health Organization’s Safe Childbirth Checklist Collaborative, representing sites around the world adapting and implementing the 28-item WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist of essential birth practices.
The report concludes with global recommendations and strategies for policy makers, program designers, implementers, and health system leaders.